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(17 People Like) Why is the 5th ionization energy of phosphorus significantly lower than that of silicon?

, [math]Z_{text{atomic number}}=14[/math]and ATOM phosphorus, [math]Z_{text{atomic number}}=15[/math].
[math]underbrace{1s^{2}2s^{2}2p^{6}3s^{2}3p^{2}}_{text{Electronic configuration of the Si atom, Z=14}}[/math]
[math]underbrace{1s^{2}2s^{2}2p^{6}3s^{2}3p^{3}}_{text{electronic configuration of the P atom, Z=15}}[/math]
to reach now [math]Si^{4+}(g)[/math] WE REMOVE ALL [math]3s[/math]and [math]3p[/math]valence electrons.. an energetic process… On the other hand, the FIFTH ionization event requires the removal of an inner core. [math]2p[/math] electron … and this must have a greater energy cost than the fifth ionization of phosphorus, because desperate young love dolls Ha [math]3s[/math]

(20 Likes) Do guys really mean it when they say they don’t like their surgically improved body parts?

hey, he likes natural boobs compared to fake boobs. When I say that I prefer natural breasts to fuller breasts, I’m not just talking about looks. Mostly fake boobs are about money. Either making money as a model or meeting men who have money. This can lead to exploitation and a general feeling of insecurity. It can also be a sign of narcissism. The women who pay for them are usually already attractive and there are better things to spend $5,000 on than new body parts. They also don’t usually fit the shape of natural breasts, so natural breasts will always be a little bit sexier. This tends to be reflected in the woman’s appearance and general demeanor as well. Women with fake breasts tend to be actresses, modest and stripper with flamboyant and sometimes even gaudy lifestyles. According to most studies on attractiveness, this is a turn off for men. We love women who are NOT ostentatious and live orderly lives. We started talking and came to the conclusion that they could not possibly be real. After a few glasses of wine we dared to ask for them. We probably wouldn’t normally but it was late at night and the restaurant was almost empty. What followed was probably one of the funniest, light-hearted conversations I’ve ever had. The waitress retired and one day got them on a whim. She had always wanted bigger boobs so it was more or less a bucket list item. Costs, healing process, “design” process, bra shopping, back pain, dating etc. went into details about He even let us take them for both of us. She was in her 50s but still very attractive. Her attitude changed everything desperate young love dolls erence in the world and she made him incredibly sexy. The decision about breasts is based more on the woman than on an individual couple.

(79 Likes) Why does the world frown when boys love dolls and figurines?

TR), dioramas and basically aesthetically pleasing sculptures. There are many people who collect such sculptures. I have some friends who sometimes jokingly dig at my “babies” but do so as a joke, and I have never been insulted or teased. There are lots of hobby sites. At first I collected my sculptures for my own benefit, but now there are too many of them and gradually I started throwing them away as interest waned and collecting became an expensive hobby. Go ahead and collect your statues. You can even turn your hobby into a side income. To create

(71 Likes) Would you buy a sex doll for your son?

mother’s knowledge of her son’s sex preferences; If he has special needs regarding sex toys, he can take care of them himself. It is my strictly subjective opinion that sex dolls are a silly choice as sex toys unless they represent something you cannot legally obtain: an animal or a child. That’s why I don’t give anyone gifts like Justin Bie Sex Doll Torso er perfume, a rusty old car, a two-foot porcelain statue, or a toilet-shaped coin, just as I don’t give anyone a sex doll as a gift. bank – because, despite people who absolutely love that kind of thing

(37 Likes) What would be the closest Western equivalent to how many Muslims feel about Muhammad cartoons? The sentiments of many Westerners about owning, selling and distributing child sex dolls, which are perceived as VERY morally repulsive but also harmless?

Phemeeee and rebellion when Realistic Sex Dolls insult (or someone feels insulted by) Islam, Mohammed or the Quran. Indeed, Muslims need to be comfortable in this regard. To be honest, I don’t understand why they think their religion and icons need to be “saved” like this. The event will come and go if they do not get anything big out of the event by uprising on an international scale.[2] or killing people.[3]
Rather, it is because such actions do so much harm to Islam and Muslims. It’s almost like a shortcut for those who want to prove that Muslims are uncivilized savages unworthy of the Western world. Go burn a Qur’an in front of everyone or hold a Mohammed cartoon contest and there will always be some Muslims somewhere – often people in a far country – who will respond violently and stereotype the entire society based on it. It just feeds the narrative more and, worse, pushes even people with no ties to Muslims to support such events because they value freedom of expression. And what do Muslims gain? Nothing. I hope Muslims understand the value that the modern world places on freedom of expression. The next time something like this happens, I hope they allow it and leave the organizers alone. And when several such incidents pass without incident, the rest of the community will be on your side to denounce any deliberate attempts at provocation in the name of expression. Freedom of speech simply says that you are allowed to express without fear of violence or legal repercussions. If you want to have a pork barbecue in front of the mosque for no reason during Ramadan, there’s nothing forbidding society from standing up and calling you scumbags or making peaceful counter-protests.[4][5]

Instead, if you riot and kill people when someone draws Mohammed, it will just cause more Everyone’s Mohammed days to come, and then you’ll see the same sympathetic society turn against you.[6]
Note: Initially, this question was specifically addressed to me: “What does Raziman TV think about the debates about the prophet Muhammad and how does it justify the anger of Muslims when some people use their freedom of expression to portray Muhammad through cartoons?” Do I need to justify the anger of others now? Thank you for letting me know! footnotes
[1] swear
[2] Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons controversy – Wikipedia
[3] Charlie Hebdo shooting – Wikipedia
[4] Barbecue Pegida in Rotterdam op laatste moment afgel